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Okami sold well on Wii after all?

Posted on March 21, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

This is pretty interesting. In the past, some comments made by Capcom representatives didn’t exactly make it seem as though Okami was doing too well on Wii in terms of sales numbers. However, comments from Capcom Product Manager Colin Ferris indicate that the the game “definitely did well” after all.

This is what Mr. Ferris said about Okami on a recent Inner Party podcast.

“As for the Clover IPs, we did just release Okami on the Wii. And it did have some very good success on the Wii. It definitely did well. So we were excited about that. As for revisiting some of them [Clover IPs], you know, I can’t rule anything out but we don’t have anything planned.”

Thanks to Jake for the news tip!

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