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Activision Publishing CEO says the company has shown an “appetite for risk”

Posted on September 5, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

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“I think there is a false narrative that all Activision wants to do is put out a Call of Duty every year, when in fact we’ve shown some real innovation and appetite for risk. I think that publishers which have wider and ‘more diverse’ slates are far less risky than us, are far less creative. Just because you have a game in every genre does not mean you’re creative.”

“First-person shooters have been stable for a number of generations now, and I don’t think that just because Destiny and Call of Duty are in the same genre that they are not diverse. I think they couldn’t be more different from one another. One is a deep, mythological sci-fi epic opera in space, the other is a gritty action movie that’s come to life. The games are very different from a pacing and design standpoint too, so I think there is diversity there, you just might not see it at face value.”

“[Skylanders is] a new IP, a new genre, a new play-pattern, untested in an area of the business that was shrinking. I feel like people breeze past that when they ask me about diversity. I don’t know anyone that’s taken a bigger bet on a less proven franchise based on their gut-instinct than we did with Skylanders.”

– Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg


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