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Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag lets you rate missions

Posted on October 1, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag allows players to rate missions in the game

Associate producer Sylvain Trottier told Eurogamer of the functionality:

“The idea behind this feature is to be able to get the input of our players on their appreciation of each mission. The rating is anonymous and is sent to our servers to be analysed. It’s an idea that came out of discussions between our creative director Jean Guesdon and our executive producer Sébastien Puel. It was implemented early in the production, more than one year ago. It’s also being used during our playtest sessions to gather the player’s feedback.”

“It’s fully optional. It’s a way for our players to tell us directly whether they liked or not the mission. It’s a survey if you prefer. It will help us know which missions are the favourites and which one people like less.”

Here’s a quick overview of how the system works, as outlined by Eurogamer:

“During a recent press event I was given a three hour hands-on with a couple of AC4:BF’s memory sequences (think chapters). Each sequence was broken up into smaller story missions. After each story mission you are presented with a stats screen showing how well you ‘synced’ your memory of the event. On the bottom right of that screen was a small box containing five stars and the text: ‘Rate This Mission.’ By highlighting the box you could then rate the mission out of five. It took seconds to do and was not compulsory – sometimes I completely ignored it.”

Could we see a similar system in future Ubisoft titles? That has yet to be determined. What Assassin’s Creed IV implements is a “test”.

“Maybe, we don’t know. It’s the first time as far as I know that we are doing this. It’s a test, we don’t know how much data we will collect from there and don’t know if people will use it or not but we think it was worth trying it to get the direct feedback from our players.”


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