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Details on Call of Duty 5 for Wii

Posted on June 9, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

– enemies will be ’scarier’ and have new tactics

– co-op gameplay

– vehicles and squad-based multiplayer

– Wii version is being handled by Treyarch, but a separate team within Treyarch

– CoD 4 engine has been adapted to Wii

– Wii Zapper support

– Opening scene: Japanese commander stubbing a cigarette out in the eye of a prisoner before slitting his throat – the blood splatters and dribbles down the side of the tent you are being held in. He turns towards you to deal out the same treatment but help arrives just in time. Cue a daring level-long escape.

“Man, we can definitely talk about the Wii Version, I mean, where do we start? Well, first and foremost, The Wii version is being developed here at Treyarch. It’s a separate team from the next-gen team but its on-site. If you’re going to compare the next-gen version and the wii version side-by-side then you’re going to find that it’s a much closer comparison than, I think, any other Wii game currently on the market.”

“Yeah, the challenge with this one was ‘how do we make a cutting edge next-gen game work on the wii’?’. The answer is a lot of frickin’ smart engineers who’ve shipped Wii titles in the past. Getting the call of duty 4 engine on Wii was our first challenge – which we’ve managed to do and it looks great – but there are also a content and design challenges to consider.”

“Beyond that, We’re reall accepting the fact that the person buying on the Wii is doing so for a different kind of experience. I mean, we’re going to be supporting the Zapper and, I don’t know how familiar you are with the Zapper personally, but you lose about five or six buttons on that controller, so it’s very challenging to make a call of duty game that functions well. We’ll be doing some unique stuff with co-op gameplay, too, but we’re not ready to talk on that yet. I honestly think you’ll see what we’re taking the Wii very seriously.”


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