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Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse “wrapping up nicely”, new screenshots released

Posted on June 10, 2014 by (@gamrah) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop

In addition to announcing that Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse will be coming to Wii U, Way Forward sat down with GoNintendo to discuss the progress of the game:

GN: Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse has been in development longer than most thought it would be. How’s the project going?

MATT: Pirate’s Curse is wrapping up nicely. We’ve been in full production for what’s approaching 2 years, with the team working at an aggressive pace. I was optimistic that we could develop the game faster than the original Shantae or Risky’s Revenge, but in the end CURSE is landing at just a hair under the development time of its predecessors. All three handheld Shantae games were self-funded, so smaller teams with longer dev times is typically how we get them done. We know that fans have been waiting a very long time for this one, and we really appreciate their understanding. I’m pleased to report that the extra time has been well spent!

You can check out the full interview here

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