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IGN editor receiving backlash for Wii blasting

Posted on June 24, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Former IGN Nintendo Team editor Daemon Hatfield is receiving quite a bit of backlash for a few harsh Wii comments on a recent Game Scoop! podcast. Mr. Hatfield moved to a different section of IGN a few weeks ago, but he still contributes to the Nintendo scene with occasional contributions such as reviews.

You can check out a portion of what was said on the podcast below, although to obtain a better understanding of the situation, we recommend that you listen to the podcast.

“Because the Wii is stupid, Levi. No, because any games that are coming out for the Wii are going to be dumb.Yeah, the Wii is stupid. Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be another great game that should be controlled with dual analog sticks…I know. Like even when they make a great game like Mario Galaxy I don’t want to hold the Wii remote. It’s stupid.”

There have been a number of Wii fans that were upset by Daemon’s words and opinions regarding the podcast have picked up a bit over the last few days (including message board topics and reader mail on the latest Nintendo Voice Chat podcast). In response, Daemon wrote a blog post explaining his stance (full post here).

“On the IGN podcasts you’ll find the editors at their most relaxed, casual, and honest. It is, in fact, the perfect environment for me to share my opinion that the Wii is stupid. And that’s all it is: my opinion. What do you care if i think it’s stupid? I’m not pushing an agenda. I’m not trying to take your Wii away from you. If you’re happy with your Wii, that’s great.”

Thanks to Jake for the news tip!

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