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The Conduit not off to a great start in Europe

Posted on July 19, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

The Conduit’s performance in the market will almost surely be examined for the next few weeks. As has been reiterated time and time again, developers/publishers may be influenced based on how well the game sells. So far, we know that under 72,000 copies were sold in the United States thanks to NPD sales data from June. However, even though there are no exact numbers yet, we can also get a pretty good idea of The Conduit’s sales in the Europe. Data provided by GfK-ChartTrack shows that, unfortunately, it isn’t off to the best of starts. On the overall charts, The Conduit debuted at the 29th position and only the 8th spot on the Wii charts. We’ll have to see how the game continues to sell over the next few weeks, but this probably isn’t the way SEGA was hoping the game would launch over in Europe.

Source 1, Source 2

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