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Vacation time

Posted on August 10, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates

Bumping this post to the front page for now – Seeya later, guys!

Well guys, I hate to leave you behind but…I’m going off on a vacation for a few days. This will allow me to refresh my mind, get a change in scenery, and come back completely refreshed to provide you all with what we hope is the best Nintendo coverage.

Unlike last year’s vacation though, you should be covered in terms of Nintendo news. Unfortunately, an editor bailed out on us last August but I’m not expecting a similar situation this year. Austin will indeed be taking over the site while I’m away and will be handling the news on the site. He’s done this plenty of times before so I don’t foresee any problems – Unless the site explodes, of course.

I will be leaving a little bit later today and will return sometime on Thursday. However, while I’m gone, I will be popping in to do a few news posts here and there. So, I won’t be leaving completely!

I’m going to continue with a few news posts and will be bumping this post to the front page before I leave. Hope you guys don’t miss me too much!

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