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Iwata: MotionPlus will be cheap

Posted on August 4, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Somewhat of a problem began after the announcement of Wii MotionPlus. There were people who were concerned about having to purchase yet another add-on just to play certain games, and especially those looking for the multiplayer experience. However, perhaps some of those qualms can become mitigated now. Speaking with The Wall Street Journal, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata spoke encouragingly about Wii MotionPlus, noting that the accessory will be very affordable. “There will be games that will be enhanced by the Wii Motion Plus as well as games that can only be played with it. Users will need four if they have four controllers, but we’re going to try to offer it for as little as possible. We haven’t announced the price yet, but the cost of making the Wii Motion Plus is not that much, so I think we can make it very affordable.”

Oh, and as far as new accessories go – Iwata has already released the ones he originally was considering, but if any new ones are thought of, he wouldn’t rule out releasing them.

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