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Capcom believes they are the best third-party publisher of cross-platform content

Posted on November 4, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

This information comes from Capcom’s Senior Manager of Community, Seth Killian, who was responding over at Capcom-Unity to someone who said that the company favors Nintendo consoles:

“IMO, Capcom is the third-party publisher with the BEST cross-platform support out there. Fans of any particular console will always want something for the other consoles, and I understand that, but since all the consoles are successful in today’s market, we’re actively supporting them all (the love is pretty evenly spread even to handhelds).

While I know it’s easy to do the ‘you did that game on console X and not on my console Y!!!’, we really are trying and I think we’re much better at it than the other publishers, so please look at the question in terms of overall industry context rather than just in terms of specific games.”

It’s hard for me to complain about Capcom’s Nintendo support now that we know Okamiden is in development for the DS. There are also a number of other DS and Wii titles to look forward to including Monster Hunter 3, Ghost Trick, and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. With that said, I’ll admit that there have been a few flops here and there (Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop comes to mind).

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