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Nintendo Power teases surprises for 250th issue

Posted on November 29, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Small update: Added in the teaser page


It’s been more than 20 years since the first Nintendo Power was published. And next month, the magazine will be reaching a milestone – It’s 250th issue. To celebrate,  it looks like Nintendo Power has “a surprise or two” in store. It’s unclear if there will be any actual game announcements, but the magazine has been pretty good with nabbing exclusives in the past. Here’s what the teaser from the latest Nintendo Power actually says:

“In just 30 short days we’ll mark our 250th issue with a celebration of all things Nintendo, plus big year-end reviews and even a surprise or two. It’s sure to be one for the history books, so don’t miss the party!”

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