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So, how about that media summit?

Posted on February 24, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates

I have to say, today was an extremely crazy day. I woke up at about 8 AM, posted a few things, and then prepared myself for Nintendo’s media summit. Since the conference started, I’ve been at the computer for about ten hours straight. I think my brain is going to melt soon! I honestly don’t remember posting as much as I have today. Well, except for E3. Anyway, since I don’t always get a chance to share my thoughts on certain topics, I thought I might as well start now.

I think most Nintendo fans would agree that Nintendo really delivered the goods today. Usually, Nintendo saves most of their announcements for the big stage like E3, but we received a lot of worthwhile news over the past few hours. Nintendo announced release dates for Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M, revealed a slew of WiiWare and DSiWare titles, and even had some unlikely products to promote such as FlingSmash. Not to mention that tons of screenshots and trailers were released for Nintendo’s first-half lineup.

Personally, the biggest surprises at the event were the release dates for Other M and Galaxy 2. Based on the news we heard yesterday, it seemed as though we would be getting Galaxy 2 in June and then Other M in August. As we know now, however, that’s not the case. I really wasn’t expecting both titles so soon, but I’m definitely glad they’re coming.

So now, of course, Nintendo’s next big event will be E3. I don’t believe Satoru Iwata has a keynote GDC, although Yoshio Sakamoto will have a lecture. Zelda Wii will be at E3 and you can definitely expect the Vitality Sensor to have a huge presence as well. I do wonder, though, what else will Nintendo have in store? Could Xenoblade be released this year? And what about The Last Story? Will Nintendo show some of their games for 2011? Or maybe the company will show the DS’ successor for the first time? As you can see, there are some interesting things to consider.

Just so you know, Nintendo’s embargo will be lifted at 9 PM PST, so previews of titles like Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M will be posted on a bunch of sites. Right now, I’m just going to soak in all of the wonderful news we had today. Although, I’m curious – What did you guys think about the event?

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