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97% of kids polled play video games

Posted on September 16, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

1,102 teenagers from ages 12 to 17, male and female were polled by the Pew Internet & American Life Project and the results show that nearly every kid play video games. Although the teenagers don’t find enjoyment out of the same type of genres, interest was found in at least one particular area. Here is the full rundown of the poll:

– 97% of those polled play video games (99% male, 94% female), 7% said they did not own a computer
– 50% of those polled said they played a video game the day before
– 80% of those polled experience 5+ game genres (the most popular being racing, puzzles, sports and action)
– Favorite types of games included Guitar Hero, Halo 3, Madden NFL, Dance Dance Revolution, and even solitaire
– 75% of parents surveyed they “always” or “sometimes” check the ratings of games their children play. 50% of teenager male participants cited games that had “M” or “AO” as their favorites (14% for females)

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