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Analysts believe 3DS will launch next year in Europe

Posted on June 24, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

“It was a real wow moment when we first held the 3DS, but unfortunately I don’t think we will see it this year.” – Marc Spence, head of entertainment at Best Buy UK

“At E3 I managed to get hands on with 3DS and found the experience very impressive. With only rumours of the release date, I hope to get my hands on one of these again before Christmas, but I suspect it is unlikely for this year.” – Sarah Jasper at online giant The Hut

“UK retail will be holding its breath hoping for a 2010 3DS release to deliver a much-needed boost to hardware sales. [a 2010 launch for 3DS would be] a much welcomed surprise. In reality it may be that stock will be built for the US and Japan markets before we see 3DS in Europe.” –
Asda’s new head of games Andrew Thompson

Honestly, I never thought that the 3DS would be released in Europe this year. North America and Europe saw the release of the Wii and DS first, so I expect that will happen with Nintendo’s next handheld as well. Although, I’m not sure if the 3DS will even be released in any territory this year.


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