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Line Attack Heroes returns, hitting Japanese WiiWare next week

Posted on July 23, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

– 1,000 points
– Action game
– Build growing line of allies
– Defeated enemies fall into the formation behind you
– Line gets longer as you defeat more enemies, allowing you to become stronger/less likely to be defeated by larger enemies ahead
– Can execute “line attacks” if your line is long enough by swinging the Wiimote, entire line does an attack in the form of a weapon
– Sword: Spin Line attack (swing like a sword)
– Spear: Rush Line attack (line rushes enemies in front of you)
– Hammer: Press Line attack (line pounds the ground in front like a hammer)
– Some enemies are called heroes, they have weapons
– If you defeat a hero, it might join your line, will have access to its weapon
– Can toggle between the weapons held by the heroes in your line
– Earn accessories after the fight
– Can equip one accessory before battle, they change your capabilities
– Two modes in the game: Scenario and Battle
– Scenario: Go through a story, can play co-op with another play, choose missions, advance through the story as you complete missions, can use your Mii
– Battle: 4-player combat with Battle Royal (defeat all opponents), Flag Battle (steal the flag by surrounding it by the longest line), Tag Match (2 on 2 vs.)


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