Sakurai: There will be a lot of different weapons in Kid Icarus: Uprising
“One thing I can talk about is that Pit uses a lot of weapons and this is a very important aspect of the game. There’s a wide variety of very different types of weapons. Each one is very unique and presents a wide range of gameplay possibilities and a multitude of ways to approach different enemies with different weapons. All of this weapon variation makes you feel like you’re playing the game with a brand new character because the feel is so varied when you use different weapons.” – Masahiro Sakurai
In the first Kid Icarus game, there were a few different weapons, but as a general rule the game stayed pretty similar throughout. Uprising is looking like it’s going to have a lot of different gameplay types, and if you match that with a lot of different weapons, it’s sure to be a very diverse experience!
Via Dtoid
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