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Dex development on Wii U was temporarily halted, but still coming this year

Posted on March 30, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Dreadlocks shared some good news and bad news about the Wii U version of Dex via a Kickstarter update.

First, the studio said that it temporarily halted development on Wii U due to reassigning “human resources to more urgent tasks.” However, work on this edition will resume at the start of May. Additionally, Dex is still coming to Wii U before the end of 2017.

Dreadlocks wrote on Kickstarter:

“The development of WiiU version has stopped for a while because we had to re-assign our human resources to more urgent tasks. But it’s only temporary and works on WiiU will continue on beginning of May. We’re still aiming to release it this year.”


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