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Figment developer discusses bringing the game to Switch, possibility of a physical edition, and more

Posted on October 3, 2018 by (@Sonicb00m111) in News, Switch eShop

With the indie puzzle platformer title Figment releasing digitally for Switch just over three months ago, many fans of the game have been curious as to what developer Bedtime Digital Games might be up to now. Well, thanks to a new interview with JP’s Switchmania, the studio’s creative director and co-founder Jonas Byrresen has offered some insight into how Figment on Switch came to be, the possibility of a physical release, and if future projects might find their way to the hybrid console.

We’ve highlighted the sections of the interview that feature Nintendo below. You can enjoy the full piece on JP’s Switchmania here

On bringing Figment to Switch before other consoles…

We fell in love with the experience the Switch represented. It is not like the other consoles and it places a lot of focus on aesthetics over fidelity, and we felt it was close to what we are aiming for as well. Plus the frame of the handheld screen fit perfectly with our visual style, that made it feel like you are playing an adventure inside a picture frame.

On the likelihood of a physical edition of Figment…

We are looking into making a physical copy, but setting that up does take some time and working with partners, since we ourselves mostly specialize the digital versions. But we will keep people posted about updates to it.

On future projects potentially debuting on Switch…  

Our focus is still on getting Figment out into new platforms and into different markets. The world is a big place and we want as many people as possible to have access to our game. That said, we are working on future projects. We cannot tell about them yet, as elements might still change, and they might be a bit different from Figment. But we will keep our focus on crafting great setting with outstanding depth, sound and aesthetics.

Cannot say yet if the Switch is gonna be a debut platform, but our plan is definitely to have the Switch as one of our primary platforms in the future, developing with it in mind from the start.   

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