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High Voltage discusses lack of WiiSpeak support in Conduit 2

Posted on February 4, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

This information comes from High Voltage chief creative officer Eric Nofsinger…

“We wanted to support [Wii Speak] but the two libraries are incompatible, and really the choice came down to which one was the better [between Wii Speak and the PDP Headset]. The headset was just… the clarity was much better, there was less latency when you speak into it to hear back, and we did a lot of testing on that, and we worked with PDP on their libraries, and that was something we felt what was best for the game and for a first-person shooter experience. We understand that some people that bought Wii Speak might be put out, but it was really what was best for the game. And it didn’t seem that, outside of us and Animal Crossing, there was not that many people supporting Wii Speak. In that case, you go with what the best option is.”

I fully support High Voltage’s decision. WiiSpeak was another Nintendo peripheral that never really received a ton of support. Plus, I think most gamers would rather speak through a headset while playing a first-person shooter.


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