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E-mails going out to people accepted into the Mario Kart Tour beta test in Japan

Posted on May 20, 2019 by (@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News

Update: Emails are also going out in North America (thanks Adam S and Mark G). See the screenshot below.

Original: Nintendo has barely talked it, so you might not be aware that the closed beta test for Mario Kart Tour starts this Wednesday, May 22. As a reminder, only Android users in Japan and the United States could apply for a spot in the test. It seems like Nintendo has now started sending out e-mails to those who got a spot in the closed beta test, at least in Japan. Twitter user siinarei_rin000 posted a screenshot of an e-mail they received from Nintendo. Nintendo themselves haven’t officially confirmed yet that they have started sending out invites for the beta test, but since the beta starts in two days, it seems reasonable that they’d start doing that now.

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