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Nintendo UK: More fantastic new experience coming to Wii

Posted on March 31, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

This information comes from Nintendo UK marketing manager James Honeywell…

“We’ve been really pleased with Wii and how it has performed. It’s the market leader in the UK by some margin. I think it has been proven really that it is Britain’s favourite home console with a huge install base. But obviously as you reach a certain level things perhaps might slow down, but again we’ve got a really strong line-up, we’re really proud with what we’ve achieved in getting it into so many homes, and we’ve have a strong campaign for promotion this year and think it will continue as a strong viable format. I guess we haven’t made any announcements recently because we’ve been concentrating on the 3DS launch, but there are still lots of games to come. I’m sure you’ll see at this year’s E3. For anybody who has a Wii, they can rest assured that we’ll be bringing some fantastic new experiences to them.”

Well, Nintendo of Europe just revealed Xenoblade Chronicles, which is definitely a fantastic experience. The new Kirby game might be released this year as well, and don’t forget about The Last Story… Nintendo has to localize that one, right?


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