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Yoshizumi quiet about Tales of Graces F Wii, says we’ll receive news soon

Posted on April 27, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Now that Tales of the Abyss 3DS has been confirmed for North America, Nintendo fans can continue to wonder about a different game in the franchise, Graces F. Back in February, Namco Bandai shared encouraging news that the title will be brought overseas, but didn’t say much anything about the Wii version. The status of the Wii edition is still up in the air, though Makoto Yoshizumi told Nintendo Power that we’ll be hearing more about the game soon.

Q: At the time of this interview, Tales of Graces F has been announced for Western release, but no platform has been specified. Is there any hope for the release of the Wii version?
A: You will be hearing more about Tales of Graces F very soon.


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