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Let’s Talk About Xenoblade Chronicles

Posted on August 28, 2011 by (@NE_Austin) in Features, General Nintendo, Wii

Well f*ck.

Okay, so I admit it. I completely and utterly admit that I was unequivocally wrong about Xenoblade Chronicles. If you missed my rant a few weeks ago, I went on a binge talking about how there’s a good reason why games like this never sell in America, so we should stop whining and get over it. One of my points was that (despite rave Famitsu scores) the games would end up getting mediocre reviews upon arrival in the west, and fade away into obscurity some months later as “those games that everyone wanted and no one bought.”

Today was sort of the day when I finally went “Okay, it actually is pretty shitty that we don’t get this game in America. I admit now that I was cynical, skeptical, incredulous, and pessimistic about all of these games, and it’s probably due to a lack of faith in Wii owners, and some reeking subconscious desire to get more hits on NE.

Because if I don't get hits I don't get fed.

To be fair, it’s not like Wii owners have done anything to give me some faith in them in the last four years. Every time I ask someone what systems they have, the answer always ends with “…and a Wii, but I never play that.” Ask them what games they have, and they proceed to list off Wii Sports, Wii Fit, a Mario game, and a Zelda game if you’re lucky. They complain about lack of content, yet haven’t so much as heard of games like Little King’s Story, No More Heroes, and Muramasa: The Demon Blade. I would still reckon that Xenoblade would suffer a similar fate.

That being said, I want the game. So badly.

Seeing all the reviews brought back flourishing memories of my days with Final Fantasy X (the only JRPG I’ve really enjoyed, save for TWEWY), and I became swept up into the atmosphere of a fantasy epic once again, dreaming of long nights spent playing, schoolwork forgone, and social lives interrupted simply because it was that good. Sure, I thought like anyone that Xenoblade would be a decent game, rounding in 7s and 8s, but to be called the best RPG of this generation, and something that JRPGs will forever strive for in the future is a massive accomplishment. I suppose, if anything, I hope that everyone at Monolith feels insanely proud of their game. Just… find someone to publish it. Please.

Part of me almost believes that Nintendo will cave and bring the game out in a year or so, despite the fact that they clearly stated they have “no plans to release it at this time blah blah blah.”, but the other part of me is saying the nicely worded equivalent of “F*ck that, just softmod your Wii and import it.” This option is very quickly overtaking the other options in my brain, such as “wait” and “hold your breath”, but I’m still a little bit hesitant. I sort of feel bad softmodding a Wii to break the rules that Nintendo set for the system, and yet… I’m still paying for the game, and I wouldn’t ever use my modifications to illegally download games. The argument continues to rage onward, and as the day that I get a new Wii rapidly approaches, I find myself Googling for tutorials on doing just this. I’m sure I will cave eventually, and if I do, it’s worth noting that I’m not someone who will buy the game twice if it comes out in America.

My cynical side has died, and at this point, Nintendo has lost their chance to get my money for a North American copy of the game. I’ll import the game, pay for it once, and just let out a small chuckle should Nintendo announce its localization. Who’s with me?

Yea, I'm gonna have to go import this.

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