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Let’s Talk About The 3DS Circle Pad Attachment

Posted on September 8, 2011 by (@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Features, General Nintendo

Not sure why, but I have an unusual amount of inspiration this evening! It’s a Wednesday night, I’m stressed out of my mind with work and school, yet I feel a weird urge to come on out here and write something so you all have something to think about when you begin your Thursdays across the globe! We’re halfway done with the week, so hang tight and a couple of days off will be at your doorstep in no time.

So last night we heard about two things, and if you’re a frequent visitor of the site, you most certainly are well acquainted with them by now: Monster Hunter Tri G, and the new 3DS Circle Pad attachment. In case you haven’t gotten all caught up, here’s the skinny on both of them:

3DS Circle Pad Attachment – Rundown/Your Thoughts?

First Monster Hunter Tri G Details

Now, once you’ve caught up, you’ll probably have quite the opinion on both of these announcements. First and foremost, the 3DS circle pad extension, which is by all counts just another tally on the wall of ridiculousness that is being built by Nintendo over the last couple of months. It’s big, it’s bulky, it’s ugly, and it’s yet another thing to buy; but is it really all that terrible? Honestly, after holding the 3DS in my hands and comparing it to the pictures we got of the attachment, I feel pretty confident that it’ll be a comfortable and useful device, if a little bit difficult to carry around. That’s okay though, because I’m more than willing to go through a little annoyance to get my Monster Hunter fix on the go.

Now, the bigger share of complaints aren’t actually about the size or ugliness of the device at all. A lot of them are coming from angry 3DS owners who think this could spell a new, updated version of the device in the coming months- one with the circle pad properly installed. This means that anyone who already has a 3DS is now outdated (assuming they do announce an updated version, which I’m certain they will), and will have to go buy a brand new device if they want to keep on the edge of the curve. Couple that with the price drop a few months ago, and we’ve got a clear message of “You paid too much for a system that’s no longer relevant!” straight from Nintendo.

I’m aware I’m over exagerrating the “Nintendo is being a jerk” thing, because they definitely aren’t consciously trying to anger the owners of the system the desperately want to please. I firmly believe they do care about us, and I firmly believe that they didn’t do this with an ounce of disregard in them- they probably followed the logic of “Hey, people will be happy to have something better available!”, which I think is completely fair. Why shouldn’t we be happy that they recognized a post-release flaw, and are doing their best to remedy it in a way that’s as easy as possible? I mean, really, if you don’t like the attachment, you can just choose not to buy and stick with the thing you paid good money for. No big deal, right?

Or is it a big deal? Sound off in the comments, and let’s talk. :]

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