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Death’s Gambit: Afterlife update out now on Switch, patch notes

Posted on November 1, 2021 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Death's Gambit Afterlife update

A pretty huge update has made its way to the Switch version of Death’s Gambit: Afterlife. It comes with a massive amount of fixes, changes, improvements, and more.

Below are the full patch notes for the new Death’s Gambit: Afterlife update:

Crash Fixes

  • Fortune Aura no longer crashes the game.
  • Calling the horse and room transitioning will no longer cause a rare crash.
  • You can now craft the Gaian Plume without crashing.
  • You can now safely buy the Vados Halberd of Illusions from Braeorn and open your inventory.
  • Fixed a crash related to interacting with endless’ corpse in Portuguese in the Caer Siorai ceiling.
  • Fixed a crash related to attempting to defeat Amulvaro with a magi-flame tome.
  • Fixed crash related to charging spell blade.
  • Removed interactable grave note that was floating on top of a tree in Gaians Cradle, would crash the game if interacted with.
  • Fixed a crash related defeating Aberrant AI before the giant drone with damage over time effects.
  • A crashbug related to the final fight in Ending A has been resolved.
  • Crashbug within the secret room has been resolved.
  • Origa crashbug when killed by 2 Dark Orbs is fixed.
  • Fixed a crash related to killing Forgotten Gaian while he is on fire
  • Fixed a crash related to killing fink on the Obsidian Vale bridge.
  • Fixed a crash related to parrying magic missiles created by Grey Wanderer.
  • Pressing full screen in the options no longer crashes the game for some people.
  • Bysurge and Eldritch Council no longer crash in the Nightmare if you kill them in a certain way.
  • You must exit Bysurge’s arena each time you rematch him.
  • Fixed a crash related to being grabbed right before defeating Avatar of Thalamus.
  • Fixed a crash related to talking to one of the lizards at Frupis while under the effects of contagion.
  • Fixed a rare crash relating to hitting Tundra Lord as he jumps while certain talents are enabled.
  • Fixed a rare crash with Avatar of Thalamus heroic related to hitting him with the Scythe of Restless Spirits ultimate attack as he is floating creating the giant orb attack.
  • Fixed a crash related to doing a spellblade charge attack as you are falling.
  • Fixed a very rare crash with Amulvaro.
  • Fixed a very rare crash with Eldritch council.

Soft Locks

  • Crashing down into the Inqusitor fight with four motes on the Vil’Dradur Greatsword will no longer soft lock the boss fight.
  • Moving platform in Stranded isles can no longer get you stuck inside a wall.
  • Loading some old death’s gambit save files could cause you to get stuck after defeating Owlking. This is now fixed.
  • Final boss of Ending A can no longer softlock if you defeat them near the corner of their arena.
  • Added a safety measure so that players receive the sigils of each boss upon entering the room if those bosses have been defeated but they don’t have the item in their inventory.
  • You can no longer use an infinite jump flower to exit the bulwark boss arena.
  • The Crow can no longer spawn allies outside the arena and softlock the encounter if boss is close to the edge of the arena.
  • If you somehow lose the ivory key, you can re-obtain it back in Journey’s End.
  • If you somehow lose Warp Orb Generator, it will re-appear in your inventory.
  • You can no longer double jump out of the Fink Trap, this would cause the game to softlock.

Design/Gameplay changes

  • Bysurge heroic health nerfed to 110000 from 147000.
  • Dropping a Parasite now correctly drops a parasite item orb.
  • Stranded isles puzzle that requires Valkyrie spear can now accept the item even if it is upgraded.
  • Increased invincibility time on Sky Crash ability.
  • Moved Dark Knight journal 2 to a new and better spot.
  • Bow adjustment talent now also lets you equip ANY bow regardless of stat requirement.
  • Lizard in hole in Darkness Falls that asks “gib floaty” still asks for the same item. But the reward item is better.
  • Alpha and Sigma lock hint logs in Chamber of Migration have changed.

Gameplay and Balance

  • Changed item given by lizard asking for parasite in labyrinth. He now gives dark matter.
  • Forgotten Gaian heroic is a little bit easier.
  • Can no longer parry Ending A final boss over and over forever.
  • Cusith heroic white orbs have less health.

Balance Changes

  • The conditions in which Immortalite crafting recipe appears is a bit more lenient now.
  • Wraith King grab no longer deals damage during a Soldier’s invulnerability fortitude.
  • Upgrade Ammunition talent received some fixes.
  • Acolyte trait that increases ability cost by 5 no longer applies to beartraps.
  • Longsword talent that doubles damage while under 25% health no longer deals more damage based on how many enemies are hit.
  • Adjustment talents now let you equip all weapons of that type. Note the weapon stat requirement UI will remain unchanged.
  • Haste now has a hard cap of 59%.
  • Can no longer be cursed in-between phases in Endless Heroic.
  • Stamina depletion from A, S, and SS shields has been adjusted.
  • Turtle Shield is now a B rating shield.
  • Heroic Lunge damage scaling adjusted a bit.
  • Fortitude Invincibility now properly negates damage from certain sources.
  • Greathammers now correctly gain extra damage from vitality given by armor pieces.
  • Can now move twice as fast while in dark orb 2 animation, this attack now deals more damage.
  • Soul of the Phoenix is now resistant to fire damage.
  • A, S ratings shields buffed a tiny bit.
  • Fixed certain damage over time effects not scaling correctly with Theurgist aura and Adjustment talents.
  • Scythe of Restless Spirits mote generation rate greatly increased.
  • Hitbox for sky crash has changed to have more vertical range.
  • Adjusted NG+ balance.
  • Vrael Axe Weapon throw now deals much more damage.
  • Scythe of Restless Spirits mote generation increased again.
  • Wizard tier 5 armor now costs same amount of meteorite scraps to craft as all other Tier 5 equipment.
  • Tundra Lord Kaern no longer changes direction during his long hand swipe attack.
  • Tome lighting+dark orb buff now also generates soul energy over time.
  • Gouge Mastery talent now also causes the gauge cooldown to go down by 4 seconds per enemy attack dodged.
  • Seismic Nova Mastery now has a different effect, the buff it creates increases hammer damage by 15% and stacks up to 25%.
  • Dive kick now correctly deals damage to Frog Knights, Nightmarers, and a few other enemies.
  • Upgrading Valkyrie spear no longer causes you to lose the double jump buff from the weapon.
  • Serpent’s Barrage will no longer consume 60 soul energy.
  • Can no longer use blinding effects to keep Avatar of Thalamus stun-locked forever.


  • A NEW “heroic only” boss has been added to the game.
    • **Xyarlohtep** Exiled God and master of space-time has been unleashed upon Siradon…


  • Can now obtain Crest of Gaia in Rider’s Passage.
  • Load times have been improved for certain characters that are far into the game.
  • Many game options and config now correctly save again. Sorry about breaking that in that last patch!


  • Dive Kicks no longer deal rapid fire damage against certain enemies.
  • Changing movement configs from stick to d-pad now works correctly when angling projectiles.
  • Roll Mastery talent now applies to the Mage Tome roll attacks.
  • The arrow capacity talent has been fixed.
  • Teema the lumberkin no longer loops her audio if you catch her.
  • Time Warp no longer resets its own cool down.
  • Abilities in your fourth slot won’t disappear after respeccing.
  • Language settings will now save upon restarting the game.
  • Overlapping journal text for Endless now aligns correctly.
  • Sorun’s placement on the map has been fine tuned.
  • A few true ending progression blockers have been fixed. These are all related to the soul diving portion and the cutscenes that follow. If you ran into these, go to the goal markers on the map and try again.
  • Fixed a crash with the Nightmarer enemy in Darkness Falls
  • Added a potential fix for some resolution issues for different monitor sizes
  • Fang of gaia now correctly can be equiped with 30 STR if Sentinel class
  • Bloodsurge no longer increases in soul energy cost via some talents
  • Vrael has more health in the room before the Bulwark boss
  • Talent points put into talent tree 4 are now correctly given back to you after resetting your character stats via meditation.
  • Blood chest in Skytomb no longer respawns endlessly.
  • True ending final boss can no longer do some Heroic attacks… in normal mode. Would only happen under very specific circumstances.
  • Entering bulwark boss room from the left no longer causes a lag spike.
  • Defeating the Hammer wielding Amarog that drops the amarog key can now drop the item again if you didn’t pick it up.
  • Fixed a crash down block in Magister’s Labyrinth that would become invisible under certain circumstances.
  • If you ever have over 30 haste or endurance you will be automatically forced to respec. Only possible via cheating and loading your old save file in a weird way.
  • All crafting items now have correct item descriptions.
  • A new text log has appeared in the Chamber of Migration
  • Fixed an issue which caused the config for ability 4 to keep unbinding
  • Main menu options now save correctly
  • Fixed an issue that caused Sorun to become invisible after leaving a save point close to the horse.
  • Immortalite Longsword description in crafting menu now matches description in inventory.
  • Edited map to remove two exits that don’t actually exist in game. One was in the Eldritch Council, the other was near the top of garde tum.
  • Fixed an issue where magi-flame tome, throwable items, and blink dagger would disappear during the ending b final boss fight.
  • Added a new log in Chamber.
  • The sprites for the tempest tome and al aziph grimore were flipped. This has now been fixed.
  • Fixed boss journal bug which caused the Ending A final boss to not have a skull marker when defeated in normal or heroic.
  • Ethereal and Grand Sage Boots no longer have the same description.
  • Crash down upgrade ui now correctly states that the blinding effect recharges every 70 seconds.
  • The decision made in Afterlife will now properly lock the alternate ending as intended.
  • Ione now has a health bar during the Forgotten Gaian fight.
  • You can now throw a warp bomb down the hole before entering Sanctuary.
  • UI in the options menu should now be properly aligned. Previously the selection was offset by one.
  • Crashing down into the rooftop elevator of Caer Siorai no longer results in a jump scare.
  • Golden Drake Knight shield makes a triumphant return.
  • If you kill fink while he attempts to kill you in Obsidian Vale bridge he has a chance to drop Duplicitous Edge.
  • “Please gib floaty” now accepts upgraded versions of the item.
  • Fang of Gaia is no longer craftable and drops off of Cusith. This should also resolve the crafting menu bug where the selection icon would be locked above the items.
  • Blaseball now shows the correct item description.
  • Some config control issues related to navigating menus have been fixed.
  • There will no longer be 2 Tundra Lord Kaern corpses after defeating him in heroic.
  • Magister plays the accurate voice line during Everly soul dive.
  • Spellblade Clone ability now consumes 60 soul energy as intended.
  • The lasers in the the Chamber puzzle room have had their hitboxes adjusted.
  • During Ending B, heroic, the purple flying bugs in phase 3 now correctly explode when directly above Sorun.
  • Ione will no longer duplicate during the Heroic Gaian fight.
  • Burlag the giant rabbit will no longer drop the gluttony aura. It was an unfinished dev item. Sorry.
  • Chamber Sigma log has been updated
  • Fixed an issue that would cause crafting ui to stop working after you obtain all recipes.
  • Added an option in other settings “Display warning when perfect run fails”, this will let you know if you have failed the achievement.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the perfect run achievement to fail incorrectly.
  • Petting Cusith now correctly gives you either his sigil or his aura if you don’t have them in your inventory.
  • Can now re-obtain Al Aziph grimore if you lost it.
  • Drastically reduced health of red slimes in Eldritch Council heroic. Lowered Eldritch Caster health in Eldritch Council heroic by 9%.
  • “skytomb 2 2” teleport location is now listed as “skytomb 3”.
  • Eye of Thalamus will now appear in your inventory if you have defeated Avatar of Thalamus but for some reason didn’t get the item.
  • Aerial mastery talent now correctly works with magi-flame tome
  • You can now correctly navigate the crafting UI and the 4th ability slot using gamepad.
  • Italian translation error was fixed where the UI and actual value of the Flare Plume was incorrect.
  • The Assassin class now correctly starts with the Targe.
  • Dying as a mortal will now correctly delete your save file.
  • Completing the second Archivist race awards a Seed of Knowledge.
  • Destroying the Heroic Owl King floor orbs with the Magi-Flame tome no longer deals damage to the player.
  • Teema no longer gets stuck.
  • Archivist now has different dialogue depending on your response.
  • Defeating Xyarlohtep now correctly shows the Heroic Skull icon.
  • Unholy Transfer no longer has its soul energy cost increased by other talents.
  • Origa no longer drops 2 Forbidden Keys.
  • We’ve implemented a fail safe if you crash or your game closes while on the choice screen in Afterlife.
  • Crushing Tide and Seismic Nova’s descrption now accurately reflects the 5% damage boost they give.
  • Garde Tum’s first elevator now shows the crash down icon.
  • Jaco no longer drops the “Crest of Gaia” which was incorrectly supplementing the last Gaian Relic.
  • Tundra Lord Kaern now doesn’t have duplicate skeletons when killed in Heroic.
  • If you manage to softlock yourself in Journey’s End by accessing it without the Infinite Jump upgrade, you should now be able to exit.
  • Lumberkin Knights should no longer wall hack in Caer Siorai.
  • Fixed Sorun saying “That thing can fly now?” during the house cutscene in Afterlife.
  • Chungus aka Burlag now has 9,999 health.
  • Sirad no longer screams at you forever if you hold your shield up during his level intro.
  • Defeating Heroic Origa will now correctly reduce Will.
  • Acolyte lizard no longer lists Dark Sigis as auras.
  • Magi-flame tome now correctly removes air attack damage buffs and applies air attack buff correctly.
  • Ability ui now takes into account haste cap. Fixes many CD numbers not matching.
  • Fixed a minor error related to pressing spacebar during Xyarlohtep boss fight.
  • Fixed an issue with the blue barrier above the Bysurge boss. It would sometimes become impossible to turn off.
  • Blink Combo Assassin Talent now works correctly.
  • Tome lightning attacks now correctly attempt to avoid enemies that are invisible. Affects many boss fights such as Aberrant AI and the final boss of Ending A.
  • Assault drone bullets no longer get stuck on certain invisible characters.
  • Spell blade copy ability can no longer be cast with less than 60 soul energy.
  • Soul boost ui now correctly shows that it increases your soul energy by 70.
  • Infinity Slicer now correctly makes sounds for using the charge attack.
  • Tier 4 and Tier 5 capes now display correct colors while climbing ladders.
  • Shard aura visual effect now correctly persists between rooms. Also spike traps in obsidian vale now correctly have damage reduced by Shard Aura.
  • Fixed a typo with Fallen Angel’s Thesis.
  • Spear Rush now correctly goes on cooldown even if you get hit as you deal damage.
  • Fortitude and damage reduction effects now correctly affect the damage taken by the Wraithking Grab attack
  • Will now correctly resets to 100 upon enting a new NG+.
  • Can now attempt to buy more items that you can hold from merchant, it will buy only as many as you have space for.
  • When selecting how many items to buy, the number count loops around. Should help Noble builds.
  • If you defeated a fragment of exiled god and didn’t pick up the item it dropped, it will now appear in your inventory anyways.
  • Fixed an issue with Wraith King boss music not updating volume.
  • Rusty Charm now correctly reduces damage from giant explosion attack during Avatar of Thalamus heroic.
  • During Avatar of Thalamus heroic, you no longer take damage from Bysurge clone explosion if it is fading away.
  • Safeguard talent no longer affects SS shields.
  • Fixed issue with Safeguard talent not working immediately upon loading a savefile.
  • Orange Forest now spelled correctly in inventory screen.
  • Added way to leave Obsidian Vale without infinite jump flower upgrade.
  • Skybreaker longsword now correctly works with Longsword Adjustment talent.
  • Loading a save file from the original Death’s Gambit now correctly resets augmented plumes.
  • Fixed Shaman shield and Bulwark Shield descriptions in scrap menu.
  • After defeating Heroic Endless and leaving post ending A, Death will no longer say his small dialogue about how he expected more from Sorun.
  • Amulvaro Heroic can no longer lower Will every time you defeat him, cannot play an Ash dialogue more than once.
  • Forgotten Gaian now correctly awards golden carrots if defeated without getting hit.
  • Labyrinth statues can no longer grab you while under effects of improve fortitude.
  • Chamber mine can no longer hit you while under effects of improve fortitude.
  • Defeating the bulwark in heroic as the homing lightnings are appearing now correctly makes all lightning stop.
  • Fixed a typo with Void Plume.
  • Attacks that blind no longer go through slime enemies. This includes hammer abilities.
  • Fixes the bug that makes you get many Warp Bomb Generators.
  • Many other misc fixes.

All players on Switch can access the new Death’s Gambit: Afterlife update now. 


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