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XEL gains Breaking Time DLC

Posted on April 21, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

XEL Breaking Time DLC

XEL has announced the release of brand new Breaking Time DLC.

The extra content takes place after the original conclusion. It features over three hours of the dungeon crawling, boss fighting gameplay showcased in the mainline game. Players can experience new puzzles, new challenges, new music, and a new chapter with Reid’s ever evolving story.

Developer Tiny Roar has also been listening to fan feedback and implemented numerous bug fixes and quality of life improvements. These changes are apparently available on Switch right now.

Here’s a trailer for the new Breaking Time DLC in XEL:

XEL is currently available on the Switch eShop. The new DLC can be purchased for $3.99, though there’s currently a 10 percent discount available.

Source: Assemble Entertainment PR

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