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Nintendo president says it’ll be tough to maintain Switch sales momentum, no new hardware this fiscal year

Posted on May 9, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Switch sales seventh year

Original: Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa has weighed in on he current state of Switch and has said that there won’t be any new hardware this fiscal year.

Switch is currently in its seventh year, which doesn’t exactly happen often for Nintendo platforms. There are many folks out there itching for a new system, but it sounds like there won’t be anything coming in the immediate future.

Nintendo expects to sell 15 million Switch units this fiscal year, showing the extent of the slowdown for its six-year-old flagship product. However, Furukawa told investors today that “this fiscal year is a bit of stretch.”

Furukawa stated:

“Sustaining the Switch’s sales momentum will be difficult in its seventh year. Our goal of selling 15 million unit this fiscal year is a bit of stretch. But we will do our best to bolster demand going into the holiday season so that we can achieve the goal.”

Furukawa also mentioned that no new or upgraded hardware is factored into Nintendo’s annual forecast. In other words, don’t count on seeing a new platform by the end of March 2024.


Update: A Nikkei Asia source says of a new Nintendo console: “Development seems to be progressing well. But a product launch won’t happen before next spring at the earliest.”


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