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Bang-On Balls: Chronicles, open-world sandbox adventure game, coming to Switch

Posted on September 11, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles is heading to Switch, publisher Untold Tales and developer Exit Plan Games announced today. The title is slated for October 5, 2023 on Nintendo’s console.

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles is a goofy, destructible open-world sandbox adventure game with combat, platforming, character customization, and collect-a-thon scavenger hunting that can be played alone or in co-op. When it comes to Switch, the game will include a new open-world map that has players time-traveling through feudal and modern Japan to fight a giant Kaiju.

Here’s some additional information about the title:

Glorious bouncy 3D platforming and combat inspired by some of the best in the genre from Italian plumbers, blue hedgehogs, or wild bandicoots! Become BOB, a reckless bouncy hero embarking on a quest of epic adventures and chaos.

Roll into jam-packed open worlds that let you explore and utterly smash them to pieces in the process! Conquer adversaries and boss fights, tackle thrilling challenges, and unearth multiple hidden secrets. Realms bursting with activities to do at your own pace while you break almost everything along the way.

Bounce between multiple (slightly inaccurate) historically themed open worlds each with their own unique mechanics, items, and enemies. From the Vikings through to the Age of Pirates. From Feudal Japan over into The Space Race. Each world lets you hop in and out whenever and carry over progress.

Go solo or grab friends. Supports single player, 2-player split screen, and online co-op up to 4 players! Jump in and out sessions and keep any items and weapons collected.

Collect an arsenal of weapons, shields, and themed items to customize your character! No cosmetic paid DLC – unleash your creative powers to customize your character with items collected from playing.

  • Glorious bouncy 3D platforming and combat in a series of (slightly inaccurate) historical worlds.
    Full of content. Fight foes, rescue allies, take on multiple objectives, uncover secret and collect bundles of themed items and weapons.
  • Smash, dash, and steamroll highly destructible environments.
  • Customize your character with a massive amount of flags, items, weapons and themed decorations, all collected from playing.
  • Up to 4-player online co-op and 2 player split screen. Seamlessly jump in and out of sessions with friends and keep everything you’ve collected.
  • It teaches history. Well kinda.

Damien Monnier, Exit Plan Games co-founder, said today: “Throughout our careers, we’ve been making games that demanded a very high level of production on a lot of fronts. Tight controls, varied gameplay, smart level design, loads of content, intricate AI systems, the list goes on. All so that these massive maps felt alive and fun to play in for hours and hours. Despite now being an indie dev, we applied the exact same approach and standards here. The game is fundamentally built around the idea of giving players something that is absolutely stuffed with varied things to do but is always fun to play. It’s something that can easily be fired up for a few relaxing minutes and feel like you made progress, or be a game you play for 40+ hours or more.”

Check out a trailer for the game below.

Release Date Trailer

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