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Team Ninja disappointed with Dead or Alive: Dimensions sales

Posted on February 14, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Dead or Alive: Dimensions was one of the few early third-party 3DS titles to offer a valuable experience. Team Ninja added in online play, ongoing SpotPass support, and a bunch of game modes.

Even though it featured a great deal of content, Dimensions’ sales performance was disappointing for the studio. Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi didn’t reveal specific numbers, but he did mention that he had “hoped people would be playing more portable consoles out there”.

Hayashi said:

“We believe we squeezed pretty much all of the horsepower out of the 3DS that we could have, really. In the performance sense we believe it was a great title. We hoped people would be playing more portable consoles out there but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.”


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