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Mario & Luigi 3 info

Posted on January 14, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News

– Mushroom Kingdom suffering from disease that causes all citizens to blow up the size of parade balloons
– Mario & Luigi (and many other citizens of Peach’s castle) swallowed up by Bowser
– All being caused by new villian which takes over Peach + Bowser’s fortresses
– Mario and Luigi are inside Bowser’s body searching for a way out for most of the game
– Bowser not aware of the people inside his body
– When you poke at a nerve on the touch screen, Bowser freaks out
– M&L’s basic attacks largely unchanged from previous games, but Bowser’s moves are flashier
– Can collect vacuum blocks, to use in battle – start sucking in air and the more you press the X button, the more it damages enemies Bowser faces
– Bowser can swallow enemies whole at times – Mario and Luigi have to take care of enemies then
– Other item allows Bowser to become huge for some battles – have to turn the DS sideways for these situations
– No North American release date yet – Summer 2009 in Europe


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