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More hints of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Transformed for Wii U

Posted on April 30, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

The Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Transformed announcement isn’t even a day old, yet we’re getting quite a few hints that there will be a Wii U version of the game. After hearing that more platform confirmations could be on the way, producer Joe Neate continued to tease the possibility of bringing the project to Nintendo’s upcoming console.

I’ll let this interview excerpt from Metro do the rest of the talking…

GC: In terms of the formats the game’s on, has Nintendo told everyone not to announce Wii U games? Because it seems impossible to imagine this, and various other recently announced games, aren’t going to be on it.JN: I couldn’t possibly tell you. [laughs]

GC: You couldn’t tell me because you know or because you don’t know?

JN: [laughs] I… couldn’t possibly tell you. But I agree with you, wouldn’t it be a great idea to get this onto a platform like the Wii U!

Both: [laughs]


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