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7 Star Quaquaval guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Posted on March 14, 2025 by in Guides, Switch

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet 7 Star Quaquaval Guide

The 7 Star Quaquaval Tera Raid Battle Event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is live now, and we have a guide for potential checks and counters. It continues from now until March 20. This Quaquaval is Tera Water, so you’ll need to bring Pokemon who resist or are immune to its Aqua Step attack, which increases Quaquaval’s Speed every time it uses the move. If you’re looking to topple this powerful opponent, have a look at our tips and strategies down below.

7 Star Quaquaval guide

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet 7 Star Quaquaval Tera Raid Battle guide

As mentioned earlier, 7 Star Quaquaval is running Tera Water, which only leaves it weak to Electric and Grass-type moves. At the beginning of the battle, Quaquaval uses Bulk Up to increase its stats and then Rain Dance soon after. For its normal moves, it can use Aqua Step, Brick Break, Ice Spinner, and Brave Bird. Since it has Brick Break, you can’t set Reflect or Aurora Veil because it will simply negate it.

The most important counter here is Eelektross, who needs a Bold nature plus 252 EVs in HP and Defense. Keep its Tera Type as Electric, give it a Shell Bell item, and have it learn the moves Gastro Acid, Thunderbolt, Lunge, and Sunny Day. You’ll want to use Gastro Acid right away to get rid of Quaquaval’s Moxie Ability, and then spam Lunge to decrease its Attack stat. 7 Star Quaquaval sets rain halfway through the battle, so you’ll then want to use Sunny Day right away to counteract it. We recommend Bellibolt alongside Eelektross as an attacker. Give it 252 EVs in HP and Defense plus a Bold Nature, an Electric Tera Type, and the moves Parabolic Charge, Acid Spray, and Chilling Water. Bellibolt needs to Acid Spray three times to get 7 Star Quaquaval’s Special Defense down, and from there it can spam Parabolic Charge while holding a Metronome for max power. If you have trouble, have a third friend use another Bellibolt to make this much easier. 

Though we used Eelektross and Bellibolt ourselves, a Water Absorb Clodsire with Acid Spray and Chilling Water is a decent setup too – the only problem is it can’t really deal any meaningful damage. Heatproof Bronzong can use Skill Swap to get rid of Quaquaval’s Moxie Ability, and then it can use Chilling Water to reduce its Attack. It can also use Iron Defense, Body Press, and then Sunny Day to get rid of the rain 7 Star Quaquaval sets. If you have access even to Mythical Pokemon, Arceus holding a Zap Plate plus Tera Electric with the moves Acid Spray, Thunderbolt, Chilling Water, and Sunny Day could work good to replace Bellibolt – but it has no way of getting rid of Quaquaval’s Moxie.

Were you able to defeat 7 Star Quaquaval with a different setup we didn’t include here? If so, feel free to share the counter you came up with in the comments down below. If you want to read up on more Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guides, we have a ton of them archived over at our master list.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now for Switch. You can visit the official website here.

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