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Steer clear of Xenoblade Chronicles X’s worst affinity quest

Posted on March 21, 2025 by in News, Switch

Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition

Earlier this week, Reddit user NeverGonnaGetBanned shared an extremely helpful tip on the Xenoblade Chronicles subreddit aimed at those playing Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition for the first time. And it’s so helpful that we figured we’d share the tip here for visibility – it concerns Xenoblade Chronicles X’s affinity quests. You can only accept one of these at a time, and once you’ve accepted one, you must finish it before you start another affinity quest or a main story quest.

The problematic affinity quest in question is called The Repair Job, which is linked to Lin. In short, this quest potentially requires you to go extremely long distances to mine specific materials that you may not have access to yet. This would mean you’d have to wander into areas you’re vastly under leveled for, and in some cases, could set you back well over 10 hours. If you’re going to accept affinity missions, it may be a good idea to save your game beforehand just to make sure you’re able to accomplish the goal in a realistic amount of time.

Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition also does make a huge amount of changes to the base game, and it’s possible that this quest has been changed too. But until we receive official confirmation of that, it’s best to steer clear of The Repair Job quest until you’re at a much higher level and explored much more of the world.

Special thanks again to the Xenoblade Chronicles subreddit for the heads-up – if you want more information on this quest, you can check out the thread right here. It’s important to know how affinity quests work in this game (and the knowledge to save before accepting them is very useful) just in case you wind up accepting a quest you can’t complete in a realistic time frame. 

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