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The history behind ZombiU’s title

Posted on June 5, 2012 by (@Patricklous) in News, Random, Wii U

Ubisoft’s ZombiU might have wowed audiences with an interesting trailer, but I’m sure plenty of people were confused about the game’s bizarre-sounding title. There’s more to this Wii U launch title’s name than a terrible pun, which should be apparent if we take a look at the first game Ubisoft ever published:

Developed back in 1986 for the Amistrad CPC (and later the Spectrum, Amiga, and Commodore 64) Zombi was an early survival horror game that was based on the films of George A. Romero. Does this mean that ZombiU should be considered a sequel to a game no-one remembers? Nope, but it’s clear Ubisoft Montipellier are taking a few cues from the original, such as the mechanic of the game continuing even after your character has been “zombified”. Besides, it’s still a much better title than “Killer Freaks from Outer Space”

Images via Giant Bomb.

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