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Overlord: Dark Legend “blows away just about everything else on Wii” according to producer

Posted on January 29, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“Overlord Dark Legend looks amazing. When people see this game in motion, they are going to be seriously impressed. It sounds like such a lame cliché to say ‘it looks like the 360 version’, but that’s true. Not exactly, but it’s closer than we ever imagined possible on the platform. Quote me, and hold me up to internet ridicule if that’s not the case. Of course we’ve made some changes to get that level of fidelity on the Wii, but the guys at Climax have been very clever with it. In terms of looks, it blows away just about everything else I’ve seen on Wii. I’m not going to share the secrets of how we made that possible, the Climax art ninjas will take that to their graves. Or they might swap it for the recipes for KFC and Coke. Seasoned Overlord gamers won’t get the feeling that there’s something missing when they play this, and that’s the important thing.” – Associate Producer Dean Scott

Based on the screenshots that have been released this far, Dark Legend does appear to be one of the better looking Wii games. However, this title will have some tough competition to match up to: Super Mario Galaxy, The Conduit, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption all are impressive-looking games.


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