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Ubisoft: All consoles are equal with Wii U

Posted on August 16, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Just as it did at E3, Ubisoft brought along a Wii U build of Assassin’s Creed III to Gamescom 2012. The playable demo features some of the game’s naval combat.

Creative director Alex Hutchinson says that with the new system, “all consoles for once are the same.”

“We’re showing that everything is pretty much the same. It’s exciting for me that all consoles for once are the same. Between PC, 360, PS3 and Wii U, they’re the same game. We’re just showing everyone that everything’s fine. There’s no need to worry. Every platform you buy it on will be great.”

Lead designer Steven Masters echoed similar statements:

“It’s the same assets and the same engine. The guys in Quebec have been porting it for quite a long time. It’s completely equable.”

Masters also explained some of the unique features included in the Wii U version of Assassin’s Creed III:

“We’ve got a couple of things. First, we just display the map by default. Then for the weapon selection you have quick access using the touch-pad to select exactly what weapons and tools you want to use.”


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