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A few changes

Posted on August 7, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates

Note: Bumping this post to the front page for the rest of the day

You may have noticed that, over the past few days, the site has been experiencing a few technical problems. Now that everything’s settled though, I can talk about what’s been going on and what the future holds for Nintendo Everything.

A number of months ago, I was contacted by a reputable advertising firm that was interested in collaborating with the site. There’s no way of hiding the small layout changes on the site – not that I’d want to keep anything a secret from you guys anyway. We do indeed have a few more ads on the page, but I feel as though what we have up now isn’t overwhelming. Aside from the slightly increased vertical ad on the sidebar, we’ve only added two units (we’ve removed an ad from the bottom of the page). And no, we have not implemented any pop-up ads and have no intentions of ever doing so.

Like I’ve said in the past, we want to provide our readers with the most enjoyable experience when visiting NE. That’s pretty much why talks have been ongoing for such a long time. The good news is that, with these types of ads, they could be interesting to you guys, and your visit to the site will be the same. In other words, unlike ads that many other agencies initiate, the ads you will see on NE will mostly be video game or technology related (although the Google ads will need a few days to adjust to the content.) There may be a few ads here and there that aren’t technology-oriented, but overall, I think you’ll be content with the types of ads on the site.

I really feel that this partnership could bring Nintendo Everything to the next level, especially in terms of the amount of support I can provide. We’ll see how things go, but I definitely hope to do more frequent contests and giveaways. Also, we are looking to push more original content in the future (this is another topic Austin and I have been discussing over the past few months.) while still providing you with the most up-to-date news, reviews, features, and other little goodies.

One last point – Your feedback is critical. I care about what you guys think of the ads, the site in general, and pretty much anything else you’d like to bring up.

Now before this message becomes too long, please know that, as I said earlier, there are plans for the site as the months go on. We hope that you guys continue to stick with us and fortunately, the future of NE is looking very bright!

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