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Adventure game Hauntii announced for Switch

Posted on August 25, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop


Original (6/8): Today, publisher Firestoke and developer Moonloop Games announced Hauntii. The game is on track for a 2024 launch on Switch.

Hauntii is said to be “a beguiling adventure built around a creative haunting mechanic that lets you possess the environment and the creatures that inhabit it.” More information can be found in the following overview:

Eternity. A place that exists outside of space, where all souls eventually end up. No ghost can truly die in Eternity, but all can be led astray, corrupted into hellish versions of their former selves.

A mysterious race of glowing creatures, known as Eternians, guides lost souls to an ominous central tower where they appear to ascend to a higher plane. They look like angels, but no one really knows who they are, nor where they came from.

As Hauntii, you’ll traverse this mysterious world – using your ghostly powers to possess both its inhabitants and the environment itself, leading to a wide range of solutions to combat and puzzle scenarios.

Key Features

  • Haunt – As a ghost, use your haunting powers to command both creatures and the environment itself.
    Craft an array of solutions to puzzles, and devise various approaches to combat scenarios.
  • Explore – An expansive hand-crafted world, with tight yet open-ended environments. Whichever path you take, there’ll always be something around the corner, waiting to be discovered.
  • Collect – Build the Constellations and uncover the story of Hauntii’s past life. Find the pieces you’ll need by exploring, solving challenges, and trading with other ghosts.
  • Relax – A twin-stick game like no other, Hauntii combines classic shooting action with a slower, more contemplative pace as you traverse the otherworldly landscapes of Eternity – all set to a richly textured soundtrack by LightReturn

Firestoke CEO Paul Farley said of the title: “Hauntii immediately attracted us with its unique hand drawn art and beautifully orchestrated music, but what kept us playing was the way in which the game-play beautifully progressed an adventure that made an emotional connection with each member of the Firestoke team. We’re delighted to be partnering with Moonloop to bring Hauntii to PC and consoles next year. Hauntii has captured our hearts and we know it will capture yours too!”

Leo Dasso, founder of Moonloop Games, also shared: “Hauntii has been a fulfilling and meaningful project for us to work on. We’re very pleased to be able to partner with the folks at Firestoke. They share our passion and really intuitively get the creative vision for this game.”

Get a look at a trailer for the project below.

Announcement Trailer

Update (8/25): A new trailer has been released, which you can find below.

Gamescom 2023 Trailer

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