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Amazon lists “New Super Luigi” for 3DS

Posted on May 13, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Update: Amazon’s product page has now been updated with screenshots from the New Super Luigi U, hinting that this could indeed be an error. Has Amazon completely forgotten that New Super Luigi U is for Wii U, and is DLC? The retailer doesn’t appear to sell any kind of Wii U/3DS DLC on its website (unless I’m missing something), so you have to wonder what’s behind the New Super Luigi listing.

We’ve come across a rather peculiar retailer listing. Something called “New Super Luigi” has popped up on Amazon’s US website. No information is offered on the product page other than a mention that the “game” is for the 3DS.

Amazon’s US division tends not to make things up, so this is a pretty interesting discovery. Could this be nothing more than a simple error? Perhaps Amazon is simply be mixing things up with the New Super Luigi U DLC for New Super Mario Bros. U. Or is there something more to the listing?

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