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Analyst: Wii “inhospitable” for third parties

Posted on September 12, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“We continue to believe that the Wii is a relatively inhospitable platform for third-party publishers. The Wii version of Madden 09 sold 79 percent less units than the PS3 version and 87 percent less units than the 360 version, despite a larger console installed base and an improved Metacritic rating.” – Doug Creutz, analyst

In some cases, third-party titles have sold rather poorly on the Wii. On the other hand, there have been games such as Guitar Hero which have performed amazingly well in the market. I think it’s all a matter of who the audience is that owns the Wii. In general, Nintendo system owners have not been known for purchasing Madden titles when the results are compared to other platforms.


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