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Anonymous, former staffers say NCL has tough time trusting NoA

Posted on September 6, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Based on comments rounded up by Kotaku, some anonymous Nintendo of America staffers feel that the company’s main Japanese division makes almost all decisions for NOA. Another comment states that NCL finds “difficulty trusting and allowing US subsidiary to be proactive.”

One former staffer wrote the following on May 23, 2011:

Extremely hierarchical. Decisions are made in Japan and NOA employees are expected to execute. Initiative is not encouraged.

And another one from January 20, 2011:

Cons – Parent headquarters micro-manages most marketing tactics. Spend most of your time explaining and justifying actions, instead of being innovative and agressive [sic] in the competitive video game industry. No work/life balance. Headquarters want to be cooperative but has difficulty trusting and allowing US subsidiary to be proactive.

Advice to Senior Management – Let the US subsidiary do their work and market in the style appropriate to our consumers. Move beyond finger pointing and finding scapegoats to making the best video games possible.

So should we start blaming Nintendo of Japan for the long wait for Xenoblade’s localization? Or were these comments just made by disgruntled employees? In the end, we probably won’t know for sure.


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