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Another update regarding Mistwalker’s new game

Posted on December 31, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

A few days ago, Mistwalker founder Hironobu Sakaguchi provided an update on his blog regarding the company’s newest project. Initially, there were plans to unveil the game this year, but Sakaguchi apologized and instead said that an announcement will be made sometime in 2010 instead. It’s now officially the first day of the new year in Japan and the blog has once again been refreshed with a short post. Sakaguchi noted that he is putting a lot of effort into the game and is trying to make it “the best project.”

“Happy New Year.
2010 is the year of my long-awaited new blockbuster project.
I’m putting my heart and soul into this production. I’m taking a full swing and making this the best project.
Oh, by the way, We are also working on a project for iPhone.
This should be released soon as well.
We will put our efforts together and do our best!
I’m sure you’ll Love it.”


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