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Awesomenauts not planned for Wii U

Posted on September 10, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Awesomenauts isn’t currently planned for Wii U. Developer Ronimo Games explained to 4 color rebellion that the team simply doesn’t have enough resources. And so rather than taking on another version of Awesomenauts, the studio is looking to ensure that other versions of the game meet people’s expectations.

Romino wouldn’t rule out Awesomenauts for Wii U entirely, “but there are no plans for it right now.”

The company said:

“With regards to the WiiU, we currently don’t have plans to bring Awesomenauts to the platform. There is only so much we can work on at one time, and we rather focus on getting one thing done right, than end up with multiple things that didn’t quite get the attention they deserved. I can’t say that it will never happen, but there are no plans for it right now.”


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