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Back in action (kind of)

Posted on October 30, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates

Hi folks,

As Austin mentioned yesterday, I lost power last night. Fortunately Hurricane Sandy did not cause any damage to my house and I’m okay for the most part.

The problem is that the latest estimates suggest that power could take as long as a week to come back. Believe me when I say that a massive amount of people have been affected by power outages, which is why the wait could take so long.

I was able to come across a Wi-Fi spot and should be able to handle updates for a few hours. I’ll have to head out eventually though, so Austin will be taking over later tonight.

I’m not sure how I’ll be approaching updates over the next few days, so we’ll just have to play it by ear. Hope everyone else on the East Coast is alright though!

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