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Bayonetta 2 details

Posted on June 11, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Details on Bayonetta 2 are as follows:

– E3 demo is mainly enemy encounters
– Violence hasn’t been toned down
– Fast-paced combat system
– Combo-centric
– Bayonetta is just as capable of meleeing, kicking and shooting her way through crowds of angelic enemies as she was in the original, gaining advantage on her foes by dodging their attacks and activating Witch Time to bring their movements to a near stop
– Brutal Torture Attacks are also back, letting players execute weakened foes with a brief quick time event and a summoned, hair-based murder machine
– Torture Attack in the demo involved a pair of grinders and a fatality reminiscent of the treadmill fight from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
– New abilities including “Umbral Climax”
– After filling up a meter with successful combos, turns Bayonetta’s regular attacks into enormous, screen-sized strikes
– Her attacks in this state are just as stylish as her other special maneuvers, sending enemies flying with giant, floating fists and feet made from her trademark raven hair
– Sexuality hasn’t been cut back either
– The ratio of attack power/clothing is very much still in effect, leaving Bayonetta with little more than a few strands of hair covering her body after pulling off a huge combo
– Battle is set on the back of a speeding harrier jet flying through the heart of a congested city, chased by other jets and massive, horrific angels
– Bayonetta’s foil from the first game, Jeanne, makes an appearance
– Off-TV play
– Cinematic “Touch” mode: control Bayonetta using the GamePad’s touchscreen
– Nintendo hinted that Touch mode would be designed to make the game more palatable to casual audiences


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