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Best Buy drops Wii price

Posted on April 16, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Update: Toys “R” Us are also temporarily dropping the price of the Wii.

The rumored Wii price drop won’t be put into effect on May 15 (if the speculation is to be believed), but Best Buy is now offering the console for $30 less. Consumers can purchase the black or white Wii bundles with Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Remote Plus for just $169.99.

Keep in mind that this isn’t Engadget’s alleged price cut. Earlier this week, the site reported that the Wii’s price will be dropped to $149.99 next month, though Nintendo has yet to confirm the rumor. At the moment, Best Buy appears to be the only major retailer selling the console for less than $199.99.


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