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Bokura launch trailer

Posted on August 11, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos

Bokura launch trailer

To celebrate the launch of Bokura this week, a new launch trailer has come in. The video offers up another look at the co-op-only adventure.

If you’re interested in finding more information about it, check out the following overview:

Two boys with a penchant for adventure run away from home, but the sight of a dead deer causes them to lose consciousness. Upon waking, the pair realizes that despite occupying the same space, they each perceive the world differently, their realities forever altered. One sees a lush world full of greenery and animals, while the other inhabits a machine-filled existence filled with robots.

Embark on a collaborative co-op-only adventure, communicating via voice chat to navigate bi-dimensional puzzles with only half of reality within reach. Observe details from both player’s surroundings, interact with artifacts in each world, and devise an agreed-upon plan on how to move forward.

Bokura goes beyond a simple puzzle game; it’s an adventure to live through conversation with a friend. With no “right” or “wrong” way to play, only by discussing and working together will the path forward manifest. Wander down unexpected paths ion a conversational journey, and witness a touching branching narrative story that changes with every choice, leading to multiple endings.

We’ve attached the Bokura launch trailer below.

Bokura can be purchased now on the Switch eShop.

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