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Bomb Rush Cyberfunk dev on the future of the franchise

Posted on April 6, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk future

Following the success of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Team Reptile appears to be keen on working further on the franchise with more games.

The studio briefly touched on the future in a recent issue of EDGE. Co-founder Tim Remmers indicated that the team is interested in further ‘Cyberfunk’ games, and while it’s unclear what’s coming next, he mentioned a scrapped rhythm game that could be brought back in some form.

Remmers told the magazine: “We had a whole rhythm game based on the dancing before that had been scrapped, so we’d definitely like to revisit that mechanic and see what we can do with that.”

One thing Team Reptile won’t be pursuing is working on a service game – even if multiplayer itself is a possibility. Dion Koster, the studio’s other co-founder, said:

“I think there are ways to still facilitate whatever we want to do within a multiplayer context, but it’s not going to be a service game, that much is clear. We’re pretty much the anti-service.”

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is currently available on Switch. As part of a new eShop sale, it’s currently at its lowest price ever on Nintendo’s store.

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