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Boy plays Sonic game and craves hedgehog, fights the law so he can have his own

Posted on January 3, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News


11 year-old Judson King, after becoming a Sonic the Hedgehog follower, decided that he desired his own hedgehog. Unfortunately for him, there was just one problem: Lawrence law in Kansas made owning such animals illegal in the area.

King’s mother didn’t really mind that her son wouldn’t be able to purchase one. After all, she wasn’t too thrilled about her son having a hedgehog as a pet in the first place. She said, “I thought, that’s my out. Now I don’t have to get him one. Then he said, ‘How do we make them legal?'”

From that point on, both King and his mother worked their tails off. The two spent three years conducting research and gathering pictures in order to fight the Lawrence law. Thankfully for King, commissioners finally agreed to let Judson speak at the city hall after a few months. The commissioners were unable to find a reason why such a law was in place and overturned the law.

King received his very own hedgehog for Christmas this year. Though, the fact that the commissioners couldn’t find a good reason why owning hedgehogs should be illegal makes one wonder why hedgehog ownership was against the law originally, doesn’t it? At least it can be said that, thanks to Sonic and King, anyone can now have their own hedgehog in Lawrence.

Source 1, Source 2

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