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Broken Rules considering Secrets of Raetikon for Wii U

Posted on April 28, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Secrets of Raetikon is being considered for Wii U, developer Broken Rules has said.

The studio’s Felix Bohatsch wrote in a Reddit AMA:

We are talking about a Wii U port. Secrets of Raetikon uses the same tech base as Chasing Aurora: our own in-house engine Ginkgo. This means porting it to Wii U should be rather straight forward.

Elsewhere in the Reddit AMA, Bohatsch discussed why Broken Rules decided to bring the Wii U launch title Chasing Aurora to Nintendo’s console:

We had a local multiplayer prototype that was really fun. At that time Nintendo told us about the Wii U and if we were interested to develop for it. As Nintendo is still strongly pushing local multiplayer, we thought that’s a perfect match. Also who turns down an offer to be a launch title on a console, right?


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